Monday, 30 December 2019

What good are New Years resolutions if you don't stick to them!?

As I write this at the closing of 2019 and reflect on the last time I ‘blogged’ lots has happened in my hobby life. Firstly we, the community have been through several incarnations of Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000, lots of new models have been released tempting me to start new projects, I’ve been going to multiple competitive Age of Sigmar events around the country and finally I’ve moved house multiple times.

The subject of moving is what has inspired my melodrama of resolutions for the new year and mostly the topic of this blog post tonight. Having to pack up your entire toy soldier collection and parts to move is a great time to take stock of all the crap you have amassed. What I can tell you is I have amassed a lot of incomplete projects. Furthermore I have come up with a simple philosophy when it comes too hording Warhammer. Simply put if I’ve moved a model or kit still in a box or unused more than 3 times I probably don’t really need it.

This has been an interesting way of really deciding on what needs to stay or go in my collection. Actually I found it quite cathartic to clear out old models that I thought I’ll get to one day maybe 5-10 years ago. Also it’s an added pressure of realising that maybe now is the time to actually jump into a project I’ve been putting off for years. So on that note I want to talk about how I need to clear my backlog. Right now I’m taking a break from competitive Age of Sigmar play which gives me a perfect opportunity to finish of some old concepts.

So the next year I hope to allocate some time to older projects as well as new projects. I think in this hobby its super easy to collect parts and model kits with ideas on how to create that super cool army but it remains in grey plastic or worse half painted. So far I’ve come up with a list of projects I want to complete over the next 6 to 12 months.

*Re-start my Knights Excelsior Stromhost - currently awaiting custom decals, white base coat painted and shaded moving onto details.
*Finish my Vanguard Hammers of Sigmar Stormhost - its in a box, nothing exciting, yet
*Add the final details to my Ironjawz - Actually nearly done, I've got to finish the fine details, weathering, extra details on the bases and display bored, I did say they were nearly done right?
*Update my Nighthaunt army - Gonna paint so many new units, GONNA PAINT THEM SO HARD!
*Finish my Death Guard
*Complete my scions - the army I originally started this blog about!
*Fix my existing graveyard table (And add some more pieces to the collection)

I Hope to add more things to the list as we go but so far I think this is a pretty good start. And talking about starting with the final bit of unpacking finishing hopefully (only 6 months late, see I'm not just slow in my hobby life, I am in my personal life too)  I will be able to start getting some painting done and models assembled.

Lets see how well I go!
Catch you next time,

The Slowest Man Alive (According to my wife, OH yeah I also got married!)

P.S. I also have a started an Instagram account. You should check it out, for photo from my life and work in progress shots of what’s on my desk right now.

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